Oil Shale a Bad Idea, part 297…
Oil Shale a Bad Idea, part 297: Daily Kos: Bad Idea in the Arid West, or, Why Don’t We Grow Carrots? http://t.co/rruYjMpX via @dailykos
Oil Shale a Bad Idea, part 297: Daily Kos: Bad Idea in the Arid West, or, Why Don’t We Grow Carrots? http://t.co/rruYjMpX via @dailykos
MedPage Today: Warmup Prevents ACL Tears in Girl Athletes http://t.co/eilJCU8I via @AddThis
Bill McKibben on The Great Carbon Bubble: http://t.co/g8vWknLA via @thinkprogress
Useful perspective on a hot topic: @WashPost: Planned Parenthood in one chart http://t.co/yQvfc0UD
Political strategy from a retired English teacher: A rant about regressives – The #DenverPost http://t.co/fpZNpSF2 via @denverpost
Thoughtful piece on the political liability of “perfection”: The price of perfection http://t.co/XcdWVdn5
This is either the coolest or most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen. I can’t decide. http://t.co/vEjhNfiM
The apocalypse is upon us: @MedPageToday: Bacon, Sausage Linked to Pancreatic Cancer http://t.co/ABYdzub9
Curious as to who owns your representative in D.C.? Look it up @maplight: http://t.co/JY5nY4lz
Bill McKibben on the difference between NFL referees and the U.S. Congress: http://t.co/fvNBUtHR
So we get dumber even faster than we thought. Cognitive Decline Begins in Mid-Life/MedPage Today: http://t.co/XLWX4T6A
From AP: Half of Americans are low-income. Call them the 50 percenters. http://t.co/v4doLlVL
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