Beware of Yelp

I wrote a rather dark Yelp review of an old Dearborn mainstay on Friday. My folks and I had just eaten there. As of that moment, Yelp reviewers, apparently all with multiple sensory disorders, had given Richter’s Chalet an average of four...

Water and electricity

I teach a narrative nonfiction class at the University of Colorado; a student did an good piece on water waste through sprinkling sidewalks and soaking common common greens to bogginess. Curious about the energy of water usage, I did some hunting...

Post Palm Pre Post

I dig technology, but tend to be a late adopter. One of the few exceptions was in June 2009, when I was quick to jump on the Palm Pre. The iPhone Killer. Sprint’s first real smartphone. It was a revelation, the device. Slide-out keyboard...

Health care rationing is good

For a reminder of the big picture issue in health care, former Colorado Gov. Dick Lamm’s Sunday opinion piece in the Denver Post is well worth a look. Lamm has been writing about this issue since the mid-1990s, and federal deficit and...